Qthid 3.1 packages for Debian and Ubuntu Linux

I just noticed today that the latest release of Qthid is available as Debian packages for Debian wheezy (testing) and sid (unstable). As a bonus it contains both Qthid 3.1 and 2.2 so you can easily upgrade the firmware of your brand new Funcube Dongle. It also contains all the necessary setup files and procedures … Read more

RTL2832U based software defined radios


RTL2832U-based DVB-T dongles are now supported by Gqrx SDR, see this announcement!


You may have noticed the recent buzz on the internet about using cheap DVB-T dongles as software defined radio receivers. It all started on this mailing list when V4L/DVB kernel developer Antti Palosaari discovered that the ezcap EzTV 668 DVB-T/FM/DAB USB dongle, which is based on the RTL2832U chip, can be used to stream raw I/Q samples to the host computer. It is in fact the way the device supports FM and DAB reception; raw I/Q is sent to the host where the application does the demodulation.

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