An Arduino Duemilanove controlling a differential azimuth/elevation drive. The stepper motor interface is two EasyDriver boards.
Arduino – The Documentary (2010)
We have been waiting for it and now it is here: An independent documentary about the Arduino project and the people behind it. You can even download the video in HD format from Vimeo. Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD from gnd on Vimeo.
Successful flight and a crash landing
Oct 3, 2010 – Danish Space Challenge (DSC) held a Rocket Festival at Borris Sønderland, Denmark, where five rockets built by German and Danish students were launched together with one of DSC’s own rockets. For the first time, the DSC rocket was flying an Arduino Duemilanove based flight computer which was responsible for releasing the parachute. This worked well. The payload in the rocket consisted of the digital video recorder built by yours truly, based on the Gumstix Overo Fire embedded Linux computer that I have been blogging about during the last few weeks, see here.
Arduino flight computer
In this video Esben Rugbjerg is demonstrating his Arduino-based flight computer. The flight computer is controlling the igniter for parachute deployment during the descent. After the computer is armed it waits until it registers a large acceleration that corresponds to the launch. After 12 seconds it fires the igniter.
Arduino flight computer
In this video Esben Rugbjerg is demonstrating his Arduino-based flight computer. The flight computer is controlling the igniter for parachute deployment during the descent. After the computer is armed it waits until it registers a large acceleration that corresponds to the launch. After 12 seconds it fires the igniter.
MPX4115A Pressure Sensor with Arduino
Today I have successfully interfaced an MPX4115A pressure sensor to my Arduino board. The MPX4115A is an analog pressure sensor that outputs an analog voltage proportional with the pressure. The setup is the same as the previous one with the TMP102 temperature sensor; I just added the pressure sensor, a few decoupling capacitors and connected it to an analog input of the Arduino board.
TMP102 Temperature Sensor with Arduino
At long last, I have found some time to start playing with Arduino stuff!
I decided that good starter project would be simple weather station that reads temperature, pressure, … sensors and shows them on an LCD display. Below you will see a first cut using a TMP102 temperature sensor from Texas Instruments mounted on a breakout board from Sparkfun.