As you can see on my HF2V pictures, my HF2V is mounted in between a lot of trees. There is even electric fence only 10 meters from it. Nevertheless, it performs very well both on the RX and TX side. It has also been standing for more than a year now and can cope well with the winds on the Danish west coast.
Great Success with the K1
Today I made some more QSOs using the K1. Here are a few examples:
At 09:05 UTC I called EA6NB, Jim, on 10.108 MHz. He returned my call with 549, but then he lost me. The band was indeed strange with a lots of QSB.
First Miracle Whip QSOs
When I got up this morning I turned on the FT-817 with the Miracle Whip mounted on its back. There were a lot of strong stations calling CQ TEST. I didn’t quite know what kind of contest it was but a quick check on the net revealed that it was nothing less than CQ WW DX 2005.